Vehicle Travel and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

California Air Resources Board, Policy Briefs on Vehicle Travel and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Boarnet, with Susan Handy (co-investigator) and co-authors, wrote policy briefs to inform the implementation of California Senate Bill 375 (SB 375).  SB 375 requires metropolitan planning organizations to develop strategies to attain greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for the passenger vehicle sector.  The briefs canvass the best available literature to assess the magnitude of VMT or GHG reduction from a broad range of land use and transportation policies.  Read the briefs here.

Related Articles

D. Salon, M. Boarnet, S. Handy, S. Spears, G. Tal, “How Do Local Actions Affect VMT?  A Critical Review of the Empirical Evidence,” Transportation Research Part D, volume 17, issue 7, October, 2012, pp. 495-508. [full article]

Abstract: In this paper, we present a discussion of the challenges for research on the topic of vehicle miles traveled. We then summarize and critique evidence from the US on the association between 14 distinct factors and vehicle miles traveled. Our results quantify how much vehicle miles traveled can be expected to change in response to changes in policy or land use factors, including residential density and land use mix, as well as specific transport policies and programs such as transit improvements, road pricing, and programs aimed at changing people’s travel choices. Read more.